I thought the same but never got around to researching it. Off my head I CAN say that Davy Jones, himself, had a similar dance with the way he shuffled; it was just a faster pace. Look up the 'Daydream Believer' video. This may be a reference to him. No thumbs though so I could be wrong. I don't recall any kind of dancing like this from the 70s. I am only 39 though and this just may be something I have missed.
I did find this little excerpt from an interview Christine Taylor did for the 20th anniversary of the movie. Perhaps in one of the Brady Kid's dance pieces there's some thumb stuff? Either way, I think the dance itself is just supposed to look out of the ordinary to the regular kids at the school.
"Does Marcia’s thumb dancing fall into that category?
They did a lot of those musical episodes where they danced, and I know there was some thumb action that wasn’t specific to Marcia but definitely to the whole family. I’ve got to give all of that to the choreographer because that was pretty genius."