Man with electric wire???

I don't know if this has been posted before, but what is the deal with the guy with the wire that came down into the Dittmeyer's driveway and he told Cindy not to let anyone touch it? He acted so strange! Was there some deleted scene that would explain this? I've scene it on dvd and on tv and that was the only time he was shown.


I'm pretty sure that was it. It just set up the part when Dittmeyer gets zapped.

Did you notice it was Richie Aprile from the Sopranos?



Yeah, he was kinda strange. I thought he looked like Al Pacino as well.


Yeah, I thought it was kind of strange to do all that for just a joke about Mr. Dittmeyer getting shocked. I just wondered why the guy was so weird, he played the part really strange, like I said before almost as if he were up to something bad. And why would you tell a little girl not to let anyone touch the wire and then just leave? Like you can trust a 7 year old with that! I know it's just a movie but that part was just really weird and unnecessary.


i haven't seen this in a while but didn't he have a lisp like cindy?


Yes, he did. I happened to catch some of the film again last night and noticed that.


Well, Dittmeyer was the villain of the movie, remember? He deserved to get shocked. And the wire man figured he could trust Cindy to watch the wire and make sure nobody would touch it. He wasn't going to Russia to get something out of his truck.


I'm not sure..I thought it was weird too...but I think he was supposed to have a lisp like Cindy, and when he asks to her watch the wire, and she replies "of course!" with her lisp, he thinks she is mocking his lisp. I think that's why he acts weird..because he thinks Cindy is making fun of him.

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He had to go to his truck to get something to help him pick it up. He asked Cindy to stay there and warn people not to touch it. Dittmeyer sees her and tells her to leave and doesn't let her explain why she is there. Then he sees the wire and thinks it is a jump rope of hers and picks it up to throw it at her and he gets shocked.


Wanna know something funny? I didn't know that until I saw the film again.

"Weapons are toys too" -AceFrehleyForever69
