Doug/Marcia Question
When Doug french kissed her, that obviously caught her off guard. The question I have was, if it was a normal kiss, how would she of taken it?
shareWhen Doug french kissed her, that obviously caught her off guard. The question I have was, if it was a normal kiss, how would she of taken it?
share"how would she of taken it?"
English major?
How would she respond? Better? lol
shareIt's would have, not would of. A first-grader knows that. If you're not in first grade yet, then I apologize.
shareWow, you're pretty harsh. The person was just asking a question, did you have to be so rude? Sometimes people write things fast on the internet and don't double check everything they write. I hope you dont treat people like that in real life..why do you have to be so negative?
In response to the not sure, i suppose she would have been okay with it.
How would she respond? Better? lol
After all, Doug's hand on her shoulder was itself taboo: "Well, that's third base, and I don't go that far."
When I was a kid a kiss with a closed mouth was called a "cheap kiss".