Was marsha's best friend a lesbian?
Please explain?
shareOf course she was.
Marcia: Noreen, is that you?
Noreen: Oh sorry, I thought that was my leg.
Yes, and the movie was making fun of, or "spoofing", the way the Bradys were so naive and/or didn't "get" things like that, i.e.:lesbians.
Yeah, she was a lesbian. Like the other people said, it's a joke on how the Brady family lives in their own perfect little world, therefore making them oblivious (sp?) to things such as pre-marital sex, homosexuality, making out, etc.
[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)
She ended up with the teacher(?)at the end.
shareDUH! Lol ...
shareShe didn't get with a teacher, she got with Doug Simpson's girlfriend.
"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"
That was the girl who comforted the friend after Marcia assumed that it was her original date who punched the dude, right? Did anyone at ALL pick out that she was a total send-up of Jodie Foster????
We ALL know the talk about her sexuality, right?
shareDid anyone at ALL pick out that she was a total send-up of Jodie Foster????
Maureen McCormick said in her book that she and Eve Plumb once kissed. That book came out at least ten years after the movie. I heard Plumb was really ticked off about that revelation. McCormick's other shocking revelation was that Plumb frequently passed gas in their shared dressing room. I heard McCormick was desperate to make her book interesting so she made up a lot of things.
shareI dont think it was made up. She said they kissed, Eve got really pissed off and denied it. Muareen then said she made that up. My thoughts, she just said that to appease Eve. I think they really did kiss.