Just Re-Discovered Voyager

When it first aired I couldn’t stick with it. It felt like watching paint dry. I decided to watch it on Prime because my sister-in-law has always loved it and I had seen a compilation video on YouTube of funny seven of nine moments that I actually thought was very good. This piqued my interest, so I thought let me start watching from when seven of nine joins the show.
So I actually started it beginning of season four when she joins the show and quite enjoyed it all the way to the end. It was a lot funnier than I remember and the characters didn’t seem to annoy me like they had previously. There were so many moments though of “convenient” writing where they just had something happen so that the story would go a certain way, which got quite funny for me. I would routinely call out to my wife right before an actor would say “they’re off-line, I can’t, they’re down”. Or when it didn’t matter, how they would come up with solutions on the fly to incredibly complex problems but things that seem simpler could not be overcome, if the plot required so. I did find it amusing that the doctor betrayed the ship in such horrible ways a few times, even more so in the second to last episode (which made less sense as he had ECM sub-routines at this point and had showed “balls” against an aggressor in a previous Ep.) and always at the very end it would just be brushed off like it was nothing and they go back to their daily routine, never amending his program, never taking him off line.
Seven’s outfits were pretty damn funny but Jeri did such a great job with her it doesn’t take away from the overall character. I’m going to start at the beginning to see how the first three seasons are. Nice to give it another shot and have a completely different reaction to the show. Not for DS9 though. Tried to rewatch it and it was just as painfully boring as I remembered. Only Jeffrey Combs and Andrew Robinson stuck out for me, but Combs is a brilliant genre actor....eh...pink skin?
