This show is very stupid

I can't even count how many times I have to roll eyes, slap my forehead or yell 'that would never happen!' or 'that's SO STUPID' to the screen just to wade through one, cliché-ridden, slow-plodding, 'always playing, steady-flowing one-chord-horror music'-ruined episode of a contrived plot and bad performances, horrible dialogue and awful scripts..

The 'Valerie'-stuff and its EVEN worse sequel where 'if man is frustrated, it means man is evil and slaps his wife around, while easily being able to keep their emotions under control enough to raise to a CEO position'-cliché ruins whatever else might've been relatively passable about it are bad enough examples, but holy cow is it all unrealistic.

I could go into all the implausibilities and completely imbalanced, unrealistic, downright childish reactions the characters have to situations, the ridiculous 'mapping a genome makes an ill scientist sacrifice himself to evolve and this means he becomes a laser jesus..

(even though we're talking about BIOLOGICAL evolution, which NEVER HAPPENED the way depicted - a half-fish never existed, and Darwin was wrong, but TV shows, even sci-fi shows that are supposed to go towards 'outer limits' never dare venture beyond the conformistically accepted academic lies and the official story)

.. I could talk about the fema-fascist dogma and all the either totally predictable, overused clichés, or totally idiotic, stupid moronities that exist only so the story can happen (for example, why would a being with evolved brain need a finger to point at text to read it? The real reason is that it's done that way for the benefit of the viewer, so we can assess how fast his reading speed is, but Star Trek did this MUCH better a zillion decades prior).

But I will just focus on ONE thing, because it perfectly describes exactly how much thought was put into this, how much realism means to the makers of this crap, how much they care about immersion or plausibility and how easily they let stupidities in as long as they can have an episode about matriarchical society where a woman gets to say 'how could a man replace a woman', just so the fema-fascists in the audience can dryhump the script and climax.

A woman has a bow and arrow. Anyone that has watched Lindybeige or Shadiversity will understand immediately what I am going to write.

The woman uses the bow and arrow in the most stupidest hollyweird-cliché way possible, as if it's a loaded gun you can point at someone in a threatening manner. However, bows and arrows do not work that way. For a bow to be effective, it has to be relatively hard to pull. Even a lightweight bow you can't keep taught for a very long time, even if you are very strong.

We're shown a weak woman, so she should be able to hold it maybe a few seconds max. before the strain becomes too much. Bow and arrow is NOT A GUN, stop using it in movies/TV shows as if it is a gun. You don't yell 'fire' to shoot it, you don't point it at someone fully taught in a threatening manner, you will just tire your arms that way, or even injure your muscles.

A bow that you CAN hold for that long, is a useless bow that couldn't do any damage no matter what arrow you use.

This show uses this cliché. It's absolutely ridiculous and disgusting how they didn't even think that far, but just write a bow and arrow to be used exactly like a gun. I was actually impressed EARLIER in this same episode, when a woman kept threatening to shoow someone, but she kept her bow and arrow relaxed until it came time to shoot.

That feeling went out the window not much further into the future, where another woman just KEEPS THE BOW TAUGHT AND ARROW POINTED AT SOMEONE.

You can't DO that with a regular bow and arrow, you can only do it with a gun or a crossbow, if you must - but these weren't crossbows.

Anyone trying to get some kind of 'this was the original black mirror' vibe out of this show is better off just watching the crappy modern show or perhaps the more brilliant 'Twilight Zone' from decades ago. At least even with a bad episode, you get Rod Serling's amazing speeches.


There are many different stories told, with different actors in each one - some fail, others succeed. Black Mirror had a few failures as well, especially in the most recent seasons. You are judging it as if it was one continuous story - when you should really be looking at different episodes and judging them on their own. An average score can certainly be placed for all seasons/stories combined, but if you are trying to imply that most episodes of outer limits were utter crap, I'd strongly disagree with that assessment.
