It's time ...

...for the Ste/Harry relationship to end. IMO, it never has gone anywhere since it started. Parry Glasspool is an attractive kid, but he's a zero as an actor, one facial expression and one vocal tone for every occasion and he's dragged Kieron down with him. Kieron has been a very good actor for most of his run on the show. They have no chemistry together, which is funny, because Kieron had amazing chemistry with every other actor he played with: Emmett, Doug, the man who played Noah (I forget his name), Tony and John Paul. I've never believed in the relationship from the first day.

Speaking of Ste, it strains credibility that he and John Paul have had virtually no meetings since they split up. I assume Hollyoaks is a smallish village, so you would think they would have met occasionally during in the last 9 months.

Another thing, were they ever divorced? I don't remember even a mention about it.


Ste is still a McQueen. Now that is funny.

And Ste has now seen Scott nekkid.

We got to see Darren's glutes when he got Doug to spray tan him.

But no glutes with Scott.
