I remember when this came out, I was instantly hooked. I was just told of Hulu and have just finished devouring the whole show again in 3 days. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Even more if thats possible. I've said since the day they cancelled the show that they need to revive it. The casting was so well done for this show, I fear any attemp to revive it would leave those of us who saw the original wanting. Gary Cole played Sherriff Buck right on the head, a foot firmly planted in both worlds. And where did they find that kid to play Caleb, what a natural! He had those great sharp chizzled eyebrows, devilish good looks of his father and saintly freckles. He blew me away in the last episode how well he played for the other team. It would be hard in my opinion to find two actors to fill these roles and pull it off.
As I can see how this would have continued if it stayed on the air, it would be fun to drop in to see how everyone is doing. Gail (living in denial) had sucumbed yet again to Bucks charms, married him and gave birth to the heir he always wanted. Caleb much older now has realised Merlyn was right and to not go down the dark road, but he still has to fight it every day. He has had better and worse times during the years and has picked up a few of his fathers tricks along the way. With Merlyns spirit inside of him it gives him strength to fight every day and to see the path that Luke Jr will head down without his guidance. So he needs to fight himself, his father and for his brother. Could even be twisting stories and lies back onto Buck, helping people to get out of harms way before they make the wrong decision. Dads mad. Gail is likely only a shell of a person she once was, Buck having gotten what he wanted would have found a way to break her emotionally, probably would have had her institutionalized for a time so she would have no credibility when she makes outlandish charges against him, the only reason she does not leave is that she knows their son would be molded into Lucas Bucks image if she did not at least try and instill some moral boundries for the boy. Of course Buck would be back in a relationship with Ms. Coombs or some other damsale in distress, as long as she has a bad side. I'd hope Ms Coombs would have changed her mind once Lucas and Gail married and gotten out of town with Dr Hunkie and be off in Africa somewhere, but she does like to be punished...
Just some comments on the show...
And I'd like to know what happened to Dr Matt?? As I recall it was Merlyn who set all of those things in motion for him to become unstable (neverminding what was happening to the people in the rest of town.) Why no punishment for her? No remorse?
And once again, I just want to get it on the record how stupid Gail is. So even though Lucas showed her through a dream that he did not kill her parents, she still knows who he is, and the things that he has done to others. Please! A journalist could not just turn a blind eye!
Love this show!!!