Good news for those hoping that American Gothic will come out on DVD - good news, it has, no idea when it came out on DVD because I found it used at a pawn shop for $10 for the entire series, most new DVDs of a single season of a show (meaning a single season of a multiseason series or the entire series of a single season series) run from $20 - $100 depending on the popularity or rarity of DVDs for that single season. This is an official release.
I bought my Region 1 DVD set around 2005 I think, or whenever they first got released. We watched them in "correct order", and got about halfway through the series, and then the episodes started having problems playing. Turns out the disks were bad. Exchanged them. Same problems with the second set, same episodes. Exchanged DVD player for a different brand, twice. Same exact problem. Finally gave up.
I have no idea if this problem ever got corrected. At the time, I remember reading that Universal had no plans to re-print the set, and were just telling people to return to place of purchase.
It's nice that we can finally watch the entire series right here on IMDb, but I just tried an episode, and the picture quality is not good. But it's better than nothing.
There's a "Watch Now" button right below the picture of the DVD slipcase top left of the main American Gothic page. Also, each episode, if you're reviewing each episode, has a "Watch Now" button attributed to it. Costs anywhere from $1.99 to $3.99 per episode. KS