"or carry a demon seed gene"
yes, something like that, as this "evil" thing passes from Buck to Buck, generation by generation; that's why he wants a son. (But it doesn't pass simply as that to the son, it has to be developped too.)
Anyway, what I really liked in this show is that even Lucas Buck is not totally evil. He has some affection, some sincere feelings, for Gail, I think (it's not only to have a son), and for Caleb too. Also, in some times he supports the right and punishes these who are doing bad (as a sheriff is supposed to do). Well, even in the latter case, he doesn't allow anyone to defy him, egoism and power is his main motive, not support for the right, but, anyway, somehow is not totally evil. After all, Gail herself, is afraid of him, hates him, but, simultaneously, strangely is attracted by him. It's not totally black and white, there are some greys too here. Don't you think?