23) Time Traveling cops have no debriefing after the end of their mission so none of their co-workers know what they just came back from or why they were out time-travling in the first place.
24) Futuristic guns and dead bodied can be left littering the area wherever fight scenes take place and it doesn't radically alter the timeline, even of the dead bodies who could very well be the 10-year-older version of anyone who encounters them.
25) Even though people know that "same matter cannot occupy the same space", they can luckily bet that this only means it'll result in the two same pieces of matter melding into each other in a giant grotesque pink column rather than destroying the universe or something.
26) Similarly, when two piece of the same matter are about the share the same space, clothing and guns do not act as "shields" in any way, making it possible for a clothed person to simply pass through a gun held up by someone.
27) Even though all the cells in your body replace themselves every 7 years, your body (including your clothes and your gun) are all considered the "same matter".
28) What turns a horny computer dweeb into a guy who straightens up and flies right (but is still a computer expert) was the fact that some random Senator didn't get bought out at a computer chip company during the formative period of said computer geek's youth, 10 years ago.
29) A woman who tries to kill you several times is someone you can now trust (and trusts you) once you come visit her in the hospital.
30) Telling your past wife that she's dead in the future is a big no-no. However telling her all about time travel is A-OK and has no bearing on the future.
31) Even though your superiors tell you specifically not to go after a powerful senator, you can count on your next case getting interrupted by said senator just completely coincidentally being the bad guy who shows up for it.