MovieChat Forums > Timecop (1994) Discussion > 500 things we learnt from Timecop

500 things we learnt from Timecop

1. In the future people will put a solid wall at the end of the time travel runway, so that if something goes wrong, it goes really wrong! Because in the future people don't think of extending the hall an extra couple of meters or at least putting a door there ... and there won't be any cleaning ladies to remove the blood stains from the wall, regardless of whether subsequent young female cops will get a nervous breakdown before their time jump.


2. TEC code 40.8 subsection 9 is "time travel with intent to alter the future" which is punished by immediate execution. And there are 8 subsections that are more important.

3. Although altering the future is a crime (punishable by death), TEC agents travelling back in time wear uniforms from 2004 with patches on the shoulder that say "Time Enforcement Commission" thereby altering the future by letting people see futuristic clothing which also suggests IN WRITING the possibility of time travel.



4. The agents emerge in the past in pretty much every position except the one they should be in: sitting.

5. script writers and movie directors forget that blown up houses (in a HUGE explosion) won't stand anymore 10 years later.

(c) Splifflock_Holmes


6. Truck drivers will continue to drive full speed when a human being materializes in front of their truck. No slamming of the breaks, no swerving, not even honking.

7. When someone shows you his shoes you have to read between the lines.

8. You can't go into the future. Unless you go into the past first.

9. There is an awful lot of C-14 in Confederacy gold bars.


10. Mullets were awesome in 2004.
11. D-Day from "Animal House" went on to become a cop in later years.
12. Senators always punch their aides in the face.


22. Ricky should have an exhibit
23. McComb will be sending female staff a picture of the inside of the president's limo
24. Matuzak's wife uses too much salt
25. It's fine to leave behind a mini-disc player and newspaper from 2004 in a 1920/30's office, especially if you are trying to cover up time travelling
26. There's never enough time
27. Walker doesn't know how to die, but will learn tonight
28. Senate committees find time travel concepts laughable, despite the inventor helping with space travel...

When you talk to God it’s called prayer...when God talks to you it’s called schizophrenia...


Re: #5 The house still exists in the future because old and young McComb touched each other and disappeared in 1994. Future McComb went back to kill Walker and his wife and blow up the house. Everything from 1994 on changed because of young/old McComb's disappearance that night. Young McComb never got older, never became corrupt and powerful, and was never able to time travel. So, everything he did in the original timeline was undone and, in the words of Agent Walker, "Set right."


2. TEC code 40.8 subsection 9 is "time travel with intent to alter the future" which is punished by immediate execution. And there are 8 subsections that are more important.

3. Although altering the future is a crime (punishable by death), TEC agents travelling back in time wear uniforms from 2004 with patches on the shoulder that say "Time Enforcement Commission" thereby altering the future by letting people see futuristic clothing which also suggests IN WRITING the possibility of time travel.

Bahaha!!! I nearly spit my coffee at the screen reading this!

Thanks for the great laugh, Mandy!!

"Move that cone!! I'm Lindsay Lohan!!"








Even if it just blows out windows and starts fires leaving the structure itself standing never throw the bomb in the backyard, instead run down the stairs in a dramatic fashion while carrying your dying pregnant wife...then again throwing the bomb out back, covering her body and gently carrying her out afterward would just be way to easy.

When traveling in the past to make yourself rich, secure funds...etc. Just don't get greedy and no one can track all your movements even if they run an entire governmental department in the future to do so.


12. In the future when all cars drive themselves, they'll still need headlights.

13. When you have time traveling abilities and need to kill someone, travel back just ten years when they have bad-ass martial arts abilities; it would be too easy to pick them off with a sniper riffle when they're in grade-school.

14. Uzis don't kill horses.

15. A person traveling in time will only retain the memories from the past they originated from. When they return, they will magically re-consolidate with the potentially altered non-time-traveling version of themselves, inconveniently overwriting the memories created as a difference between the two histories, thus ending up as some poor amnesiac who hasn't a clue what has been going on for the past ten years. Don't worry, it's in the TEC Technical Manuals.


16. Gold bullion can be carbon dated, despite the lack of carbon-14 in it.

17. Mullets are back in fashion in the future. Even JCVD has one.


I just assumed the gold was stamped with a confederate logo and based on the amount was tracked to that shipment in the past.

Or did they say it was dated and I'm just forgetful? Either way nice mullet drop, can't believe I forgot that one.



Re: #17 JCVD does not have a mullet. A mullet is a very specific style, just look at the mullet on the butt-ugly thug with the shiny shin guards. JCVD's hair is all the same length.


18. Houses & cars in the future look hideous.
19. Max doesn't bake cookies for a living.
20. A special rocket car is needed to go back in time but all that is needed to go back to the future is a handheld computer.


21. If she farts she'll get ahead of the pod.


No one can do better splits on screen than JCVD!

- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre


Never interrupt Senator McComb when he's talking to himself.

Don't tell anyone Palmer killed you, He's on bail.

Does McComb look frozen to you?

You're allowed to have a life, it's in the manual.

Tomorrow might have been a brighter day.


23) Time Traveling cops have no debriefing after the end of their mission so none of their co-workers know what they just came back from or why they were out time-travling in the first place.

24) Futuristic guns and dead bodied can be left littering the area wherever fight scenes take place and it doesn't radically alter the timeline, even of the dead bodies who could very well be the 10-year-older version of anyone who encounters them.

25) Even though people know that "same matter cannot occupy the same space", they can luckily bet that this only means it'll result in the two same pieces of matter melding into each other in a giant grotesque pink column rather than destroying the universe or something.

26) Similarly, when two piece of the same matter are about the share the same space, clothing and guns do not act as "shields" in any way, making it possible for a clothed person to simply pass through a gun held up by someone.

27) Even though all the cells in your body replace themselves every 7 years, your body (including your clothes and your gun) are all considered the "same matter".

28) What turns a horny computer dweeb into a guy who straightens up and flies right (but is still a computer expert) was the fact that some random Senator didn't get bought out at a computer chip company during the formative period of said computer geek's youth, 10 years ago.

29) A woman who tries to kill you several times is someone you can now trust (and trusts you) once you come visit her in the hospital.

30) Telling your past wife that she's dead in the future is a big no-no. However telling her all about time travel is A-OK and has no bearing on the future.

31) Even though your superiors tell you specifically not to go after a powerful senator, you can count on your next case getting interrupted by said senator just completely coincidentally being the bad guy who shows up for it.
