So the computers aren't too overly futuristic for a change...
...actually, they're a little low-tech, but that's OK, most movies act like 10 years is 1,000 with something like computers.
But holy crap, why the hell do people insist that 10 years' time for guns and cars are going to be so ridiculous? Why would they be riding around in self-driving pseudo-tanks in just 10 years? Why would guns(Which have really changed very little) be so radically different? Car styling would be different, but even 10 years from now, they aren't going to look anything like this movie. Same goes for those stupid guns. Handguns haven't changed much in looks since the 1911 came out, and even rifles look very similar to the original design stylings from WWII. We have some different materials now, but there would be no reason to make the guns as bulky as they supposedly got in just 10 years' time.
I just don't understand why these filmmakers like to act like something as short as even 20 years is going to result in these types of changes.