MovieChat Forums > Timecop (1994) Discussion > Cheap look to the movie

Cheap look to the movie

From the opening credits font, to the obvious Vancouver stand-in for whatever big city this was supposed to take place in, to the cheap props (all the guns used, like in the opening sequence, or in the Wall Street sequence, and the pistols the TEC cops use) -- there's just a very cheap look to the film.


The laser sights were drawn right on the film itself.

I own you.


Yeah I kinda like the look, though. Perhaps I'm just easily entertained.


Yes, the design of things in the future looked cheap.
The future cars looked ugly.
The time machine sled was pretty horrible looking.
The future gun design was pathetic.

That along with plenty of predictable dialogue/plot, major time travel inconsistencies and Van Damme's weak acting = a pretty poor film.
But it was sort of entertaining in a so bad it was good way for some of it.

4/10 imo

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈
