so I must ask

how, how, how, did Ice-T make it from what looked to be a tiny clearing in the middle of huge mountains covered by forest, miles and miles and miles away from civilization, back to Seattle . . . in THREE DAYS, when every means of transportation besides a dirt bike was destroyed, and the entire cabin was burned down

me and my friends pop in this movie every so often just to laugh at how ridiculous most of it is, and the ending is the part that gets us the best every time

just wondering if anyone has some type of explanation for it though


It are plotholes like the one you describe that makes this film so entertaining and funny. It seems like the director and cast didn't even care about these questions and just wanted to make fun in the woods and make a cheap but greatly entertaining film at the same time. Extremely bad, extremely fun!



sea turtles. he tied a rope around two sea turtles and rode back. oh, sorry. wrong movie. oh, well, that's still the best explanation i have.



yeah this movie was just bad. in terms of an action movie i give it a 1 but if you are looking for a good comedy why not watch Ice-T in the woods getting hunted?


did you notice how "Seattle" three days later is actually Philly? Genius.


Well we don't really know anything except that he rode the bike back. We don't know where they were or how far they were. But since they had a cabin with furniture and had several ATVs and bike, we have to assume that the ATV, bikes and furniture got there somehow ... NOT by plane. I assume they took planes to get there because that's what rich folk do. He had 3 days to get to Seattle. What if he rode the bike and found a highway?

Of course, the fact that he was SHOT probably would have made it a painful journey... ;)

Besides...this isn't the most unbelievable part of the movie anyway...


Einstein already pointed out that time is relative.

That also explains why it took Rutger Hauer 3 days to change the colour of his moustache / eyebrows and put on a priest outfit.

OK, he also wasted time laying out his uniforms (two of them) and a couple of passports for no apparent reason.

BTW How was he planning on riding that motorcycle whilst carrying a large suitcase that held his gun ?

I am not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.


This could've been a really great film, but they ruined it by giving away WAY too much information in the beginning. Once you see them chasing the balding homeless guy in the opening credits, it leaves little suspense when Mason goes up there.

Overall, this is a movie where you have to suspend your disbelief. Mason biking back to civilization. The city shot of "Seattle" that's actually Philadelphia. And, of course, Burns staying at his office to alter his identity instead of doing the sensible thing of going there, getting the basic necessities and going to a hotel or some safehouse.

Yes, Abraham's "scream" was pretty funny. With all due respect to him, hard to believe he's an Academy Award winner.


Take a look at Google Earth sometime... It's amazing how not much is too far from civilization at this point.
