Johnny C. (Spoilers)

I'll start by saying that John C. McGinley is one of my favorite actors of all time, I am biased. That being said McGinley's page lead me to read about this movie here on IMDB and I put it on my list of movies that I'll never be able to find because they are pretty old and they didn't do well.

Then, weeks later, to my total amazement, I find this gem at a flea market I frequent. (Who doesn't love flea markets?) I didn’t give the purchase another thought. And for what it was, the movie was alright.

But what made me angry is the fact that McGinley is not a front name for this movie. My argument is that while Busey did give a good performance (Dog monologue); McGinley lives much longer, has much more dialogue, a decent back story, and gives one hell of a performance. While Busey is the first to get axed.

Was Busey really a bigger name in 94' than McGinley?


Was Busey really a bigger name in 94' than McGinley?
<br>Here is a test, say "Busey" and then say "McGinley"

Busey resonates throughout the ages. lol. Gary is big in this time, as well.

With McGinley you really have to think what has he been in and though he is a good character actor he would not be able to carry a movie on his name alone.

imo. Sorry.


I couldn't believe Busey got axed first. What stupidity.

It was like Seagal in Executive Decision all over again.


Busey was definitely a bigger name. McGinley has never been more than 'that guy who was in Office Space' or some other movie where he played a small yet noticeable role, at least not until Scrubs came steamrolling through. Busey was in D.C. Cab plus various other starring movie roles. And though McGinley and Busey are both large, grizzly men, Busey always comes off as more psychopathic and probably got more name recognition because of it.


Busey was nominated for an OSCAR and had 57 TV show/movies under his belt by the time this movie was released.

McGinley only had 27.


McGinley was a respected character actor at the time but he didn't have the star power of a Gary Busey. From Lethal Weapon alone, he had more appeal in the genre.
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Yes, IMO Busey was way bigger than Johnny C. (love that nick name!) in the early to mid 90's. When I think of Busey, I think Point Break, Under Seige, Leathal Weapon (I know 1987 but still a big film even today) etc...all great films that came out around the same time, and as cool as Johnny C. is unfortunatlly Busey's name at the time resonated...although today I would have to say Johnny's name is bigger, than Busey.

grrr arg

