Should Captain Picard and his crew have gotten court martialed after the events of Star Trek: Generations?
5 years ago
TMC-4 (20181)
Picard: lost his ship and a fellow officer, one of Starfleet's legends no less, when it all could have been avoided just by using the Nexus to return to a few days before the Romulans attacked the observatory. This would allow Soren to be taken into custody and given to the Romulans when they come calling, and also would have given Picard the opportunity to save his brother's family. If you are going to violate the Temporal Prime Directive, at least be smart about it.
Riker: was actually in the big chair when the E-D went down; never once gave the order to change the shield frequency despite that being standard procedure when the shields are compromised. Where was all the tactical savvy you displayed against the Borg?
Data: your unfamiliarity with emotions is irrelevant because you chose to put that chip in you, knowing what it had been used to do to you in the past; you are just as responsible for your actions and inactions as any human officer.
Worf: and this is why the positions of Security and Tactical should be separate. An on the bounce security chief would have noticed the VISOR's unauthorized transmission, and an on the bounce tactical officer would have immediately returned fire with all of the weapons at his disposal.
Troi: took the helm despite not being qualified for it and promptly demonstrated why when she first maneuvered the ship into a position where most of its weapons were pointed away from the enemy, and then crashed the saucer.
Crusher: cleared Geordi for return to duty and didn't catch the tampering with the VISOR despite knowing that it could be compromised.
Geordi: neglected to get an upgrade after the previous time his VISOR was shown to be a security risk.