OK, here's a question for you

At the very start of the film, a bottle of champagne hurls thru space and then crashes into the latest incarnation of the Enterprise. How in the heck did they manage that? (Not the movie production, the characters in the film, obviously.)


Maybe they shot it from a very low-powered torpedo launcher. I would think with people like Scotty around (and Geordi later), someone could calculate the right amount of force and coordinates to get it to go slowly and to hit the right spot. As for it spinning, I don't know; maybe someone was out in space in a suit and flung it by hand...?


Does make you wonder, right? Of course it's a very cool sequence.



Perhaps the bottle was beamed into space and they rammed it with the ship while slowing rotating the axis.


That sounds do-able, tho the ship was being held in space dock.


This movie has a magical space nexus... and you're wondering about the bottle? 

I'm just on my way up to Clavius.


Lol man the questions some people ask about a fictional movie.


Come on, we're all here to talk about fiction (even you I assume)! Let's not be judgmental.


I could ask those kinds of questions about every movie I've ever seen. I've seen Star Wars so much I could pick it apart with questions like this. It's just funny when it's a fictitious story that's there to entertain not confuse.


OK. Maybe just keep some thoughts to yourself that can be taken as criticism.


You asked the question, I'm sorry I didn't respond how you wanted me too. You want my honest answer? I just thought it was thrown at the ship from another ship or shuttle. To be honest I don't think it would be that hard for them to manage getting it to float through space at the new ship to hit it to break on it. I mean they have warp drive, I'm sure it would be relatively easy to shoot a bottle at a ship in space considering the tech they have in their time / universe.


Good answer - thank you! ;o)


The question though is how did they get it to go in slow motion? ...... Lol J/K


Okay, that part I understood ;o)
