Need to start

I love the new Star Trek movies.

I admit, I wasn't a fan and didn't watch any of the episodes from the original series or TNG.

I just finished watching the original 6 ST movies, and am now going to start watching TNG movies.

My problem is, I don't know any of the TNG characters or how they relate to each other.

They are all on Netflicks - is there an episode or two that someone can recommend that might get me up to 'speed' enough to know what is going on in Star Trek Generations?


You may get a bit lost jumping into the films (compared to that tactic for TOS characters). Much like how the original series centered around the Kirk/Spock/McCoy perspective, TNG stories primarily focused on Picard, Data (a sentient android), or Worf (the first Klingon in Starfleet - Worf's grandfather is Kirk's defense advocate in ST6). But the first film Generations is all over the place...pulling plotpoints from a number of shows. And it focuses on side character Guinan's backstory in a very big way (the series never fleshed this out, so you didn't miss anything there).

Required viewing? I guess:

Encounter At Farpoint. Forgettable episode, but a pretty good introduction to everyone (except Guinan). Look for a surprise cameo.

Measure Of A Man. Very strong episode. Although focused on Data, you get a bit of Guinan's history here. Possibly Datalore instead, if you don't want to get spoiled watching one of the best TNG stories too early.

Family. Backstory for Picard, touched on only briefly at the Generation's beginning.

Sins Of The Father. Backstory for Worf which plays into a couple of the film's well as how his family fits in from the conclusion of ST6.

Or you could scrap that idea and head directly into ST8:First Contact...which was specifically written for more mass appeal. Unfortunately, that might make watching the rest of the films kinda stale, as it's been considered to be the best one with the TNG cast. :P
