Movie Not Captioned

This movie is not captioned.

The information provided on the back of the DVD case is incorrect. The movie is not captioned and I wish Universal movies are captioned.

(Refering to recent purchase of River Wild (Feb 2003). Most Universal movies are not captioned although the back of the DVD case would say captioned)

By the way, this is a good movie. 9/10 rating.



no way! everything Ms. Streep is in gets a 10, easily...


You might have confused (CC) (closed-captioning - TV processes subtitles internally from the signal) with the "subtitle" feature of your DVD player.

You should check the CC feature for your TV. If your TV doesn't support CC, and the DVD has CC-type subtitling (common for Universal and Paramount), then chances are you won't be able to read them. If your TV supports it, try to find a way to turn it on.


That's sad/ironic considering MS's father is Deaf in this movie.

