Film with same idea

I remember seeing a fim with the same premise as this one.

It was a film about a mother and daughter who go rafting and this guy befriends them. Of course he`s a bad guy and they end up on a terrible journey. Anyone know what I`m talking about?

I`m sure it was a TV movie.



I was thinking the same thing, the movie Dangerous Waters, it was a made for tv movie.


How about Cape Fear? Both are water, boats, and both involved nut jobs being the bad guy. Either one of these would have been a good role for Dennis Hopper.


Just looked it up and it was Dangerous Waters. Thankyou. That was driving me nuts. Mainly because I could picture Matt McCoy but never remember anything he was in to look him up!

Thank you.


river of rage with peter oronoti very close story


Or another one
Shoot To Kill - not rafting but trecking but the plot is very similar - highly recommended! And avoid spoilers at all cost!
