The ending - spoilers

The movie was very well acted; the river action was great; wonderful tension throughout; but...

the rescue just wrecked it for me. "Suspension of disbelief" is one thing, but no way could I buy
1) Tom getting down river faster than the raft
2) in fact, so fast that he can cook up and execute an elaborate scheme
3) the scheme itself is so farfetched; there's not one chance in a hundred of it working

It's a shame they couldn't come up with a believable rescue.

"I choose to think there is no free will..."


ok, heres the way i see it:

1.)It was possible for Tom to get down that far. There are times where the raft moves very slowly in the water.

2.) yea, him being able to execute that scheme was pushing my believability level

3.) ehh, maybe

anyway, that didnt even bother me because this was just an overall fun movie to watch.


It's a movie...

who said it's supposed to be believable...

c'mon man, live a little :)

Meryl Streep, Best Actress 2008. Finally! After a 25 Year Losing Streak!


The people i nthe raft stopped alot too, to eat, pee, take a break ,sleep, etc. Not once in the movie did it show tom sleeping, but showed the raft people sleeping often, so, yeah, thats my input


I loved when Johnny the forrest ranger got killed...'cause you could tell he was packin' the wife by the way they looked at each other (just being silly -- hehe).


and 4) it's a movie. Great movie but just remember this isn't real life! It's just a movie for your entertainment.


I was so impressed with the acting and the photography that I really didn't care much for the rescue. I knew it would happen, and as implausible as it was, I found the trip most enjoyable. But with a weaker director and cast, this film would have been a turkey.
