How this movie should have gone
I was thinking of a plot for this movie as I was watching it today and this is how it really should have gone
We could clearly tell there was serious problems in Gail and Tom's marriage. So Gail decided to take things into her own hands and get rid of Tom. She met Wade while visiting her parents in Oregon the previous year. They started a relationship, even though he'd been in jail for armed robbery and had only been out less than a year. Gail, tired of her husband not ever being home and spending time with her and the kids, decided to get rid of Tom and pulled off the whole hostage taking ordeal, with Wade. Wade met Terry a few months before the ordeal and they started to plan out the cattle auction robbery and told Terry that they were going to take a family hostage while going down the river. Gail did NOT know that Wade and Terry were planning this robbery and Terry didn't know about Gail. In the scene where Wade was deciding whether to get rid of the dog or Tom, he went against the plan he had with Gail and tried to get rid of the dog. Much to Gail's horror. When no one was looking, Gail laid into Wade and told him that he went against the whole plan. He told her he did that so that Tom's death would look more like an accident, hence the scene where Wade pretended to drown to get rid of Tom accidently. That didn't work and so now Gail and Wade didn't know what to do. They wanted it to look like an accident so that Wade wouldn't have to go to prison. During the ordeal, Gail had a change of heart and found out that she really did love Tom after all and wanted no part of it. Wade got mad and told Gail that he and Terry robbed the auction and that she was going along with this whether she liked it or not.
At the end, we know that Gail killed Wade and Terry, not knowing that Gail was actually a part of it, went to prison.
After the movie, Gail told Tom everywhere, much to Tom's horror, but told him that she sincerly wanted to work things out. They decided to keep things to themselves, since Gail never really did anything wrong, except for planning Tom's death. Tom forgave her and they started intense marriage counseling and are now doing great.