You can't knock someone out under water
Yep. That was a stupid moment.
RIP Terminator franchise 1984-1991
Yep. That was a stupid moment.
RIP Terminator franchise 1984-1991
you can't??
I was thinking the same thing. The water would stop your fist from gaining enough force, wouldn't it?
shareRight. Unless he was insanely strong and he hit him maybe going with the natural flow of the river and hit him in the EXACT right spot to make him disoriented. But I think we'll have to suspend disbelief for this one guys. lol
Don't be ridiculous! Jack would never die without telling me
that completly depends on how strong you are how and fast your fist is moving.
shareno it would only slow your strike down but any blunt force can knock you unconscious
shareI just recently watched the movie, and I don't think he knocks him out...I think he just struck him so that it would bring him out of his panic state and he would be able to get him to the surface of the water. I also believe you could knock someone isn't always how hard you hit someone, as to where you hit them. Your jaw is pretty fragile.
sharei hope you don't think that wade was in a legitimate panic state. he was deliberately trying to drown the husband to get him out of the way.
shareI never thought that Wade was trying to drown Tom to get him out of the way, but you're more than likely right on that count. That makes great, good sense. Tom had to hit Wade to stop him.
shareCool theory but incorrect. Wade couldn't swim so obviously he was panicking. He wasn't trying to kill the husband at such an early point because they didn't want to blow their cover yet. Nothing more complex than that.
shareI don't think it was explicitly stated, but I think the implication was that Wade can't swim. he was definitely drowning and panicked. there are other times where he's in deep water and moves very carefully not to let it get too deep (when anyone that can swim can just... swim). and when strapping Streep into the boat he says "I figure this puts us at the same level" because he can't swim.
I suppose it's a matter of technique. When your keep your hand flat for minimum water resistance, and you only make a fist shortly before hitting, it could be possible to have enough kinetic energy left to make a dent, in a manner of speaking.
~No matter where you go, there you are~
i hope you don't think that wade was in a legitimate panic state. he was deliberately trying to drown the husband to get him out of the way.
AHA! that would make sense out of that bizarre scene.
He wasn't knocked out. The punch was totally unexpected and caught Wade off-guard. It wasn't as much the impact, but the disorienting nature of the act itself that caused Wade to momentarily loosen his grip, giving Tom an opportunity to swim up. At least that's how I saw it.
sharelifeguards are taught how to hit a person under water to surprise them. A panicked struggling person will drown themselves and the lifeguard. But a quick jab to the face, especially the nose, will cause the person to stop struggling and allow you to turn them, get them in a cross chest tow and pull them to the surface,
If you're drowning I guess you can easily be knocked out, even by a caress.
Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.
If you can't, then why didn't they realize when filming it that it was against physics? There must be some way to or surely they would have realized it, assuming it was really filmed with them under water, that is...