Two unbelievable parts

The part where their trying to get away and grab the kid who is fishing. The kid pushes over his dad. How could that tiny little kid push his dad over? The second scene that was rather funny was when Wade realised they were trying to leave them behind and gets into a fight with the dad. The dad hits Wade dropping him, and then Wade gets up and has the biggest wind up in film history knocking the dad down. You would have to be a idiot not to see that punch coming.


Yeah, it did seem like Tom could've easily dodged that punch, you're right.

I'm the saddle.



I love all the parts where the dad falls spectacularly into the river and manages to remain unharmed AND keep his glasses on.

That, and also that he somehow manages to continuously run up river over all those cliffs and forests yet remain ahead of the raft.

"I'll have what she's having."


as he runs away he shouts good night and good luck

the dad falls spectacularly into the river and manages to remain unharmed AND keep his glasses on.


when i was that kids age i pushed my dad into a lake and my dad has been in construction and concrete since he was a young man. and is very strong. pushing someone isnt that hard


jbredle, that's what I thought about the glasses. I mean, come on! And Wade totally punched him prior to the scene where he falls into the river! His glasses must be... *very* flexible hahaha :D


I know right! I hate when movies are not just like real life!!

"I take a problem and chew on it til all the flavor's gone, then I stick it in my hair"


The part I didn't believe was where the dad knocked down Wade, and stood waiting to continue the conversation with him, explaining his plans, rather than dashing to the boat while Wade was down.
