MovieChat Forums > Quiz Show (1994) Discussion > Herb Stempel appearance in film?

Herb Stempel appearance in film?

The trivia mentions the real Herb Stempel makes a cameo as a former contestant. Anybody know at what point in the film he appears?


Not offhand. I believe you're right though. I've heard the same thing.


I believe he's the middle-aged past 'Twenty-One' contestant/winner shown sitting at a desk while answering Dick Goodwin's questions.


There are only 2 males whom goodwin interviews. One is a Waspy painter type who eats an apple while handing a registered letter to him. The other is played by stempel, who looks more like Divine here, no insult meant; ie, very different from his youth.


In the montage sequence where Goodwin is writing down addresses from the phone book, he knocks on two doors both answered by women. The third interview is with a man behind a desk. That's Herbert Stempel. It's kind of interesting to watch him smile and laugh in response to Goodwin's question "did anyone ever ask you not to talk to anyone?" You can see the resemblance between the real Stempel and Turturro's portrayal. Great movie!
