Torture Scene...

I find that scene very uncomfortable and needlessly sadistic (like many scenes in Mel Gibson movies), with Richard Hamilton's character having his fingers smashed to pieces by that bit of bone (or ivory) wielded by that Danish heavy Sven (who's been in many other similar movies) and then Sven seemed to mangle up Hamilton's inner leg (or genitals) with a heavy industrial tool (while Hamilton is making that horrible horse shrieking).

And even the actor playing the main henchman overseeing the brutalisation of a elderly helpless man (John C. McGinley) seemed uncomfortable with the scene.

I can see some people finding gallows humour in this segment but I find it uncomfortable to dwell on.


A lot of Seagal's movies tend to be sadistic for some reason. Marked for Death has some pretty nasty bone-snapping and in Hard to Kill when his family is slaughtered... umff.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


'Needlessly sadistic'? It's part of Seagal's sophisticated and nuanced artistry - making you loath the villains so you'll cheer him on when he brutally murders them, and so that you'll listen to his eco-message.



That scene traumatized me as a child. :D


Here's an audio clip for the squeamish:
