Worst line
"We're angry because we're all being chemically and genetically damaged, and we don't even realize it."
Wait, what?
If you love Reality and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!
"We're angry because we're all being chemically and genetically damaged, and we don't even realize it."
Wait, what?
If you love Reality and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!
Jennings: "Who is he?! You want to know who he is?!! Try this!! Delve down, into the deepest bowels of your soul. Try to imagine the ultimate *beep* nightmare. And that won’t come close, to this Son of a B*tch, when he gets pissed!"
Thanks to Jabootu.com for that one, a great movie review site.
"What does it take to change the essence of a man?...."
"I need time... to change".
.... Possibly the most cringe-inducing dialogue in any action film in history, or perhaps any movie, period.
Don't be fuckin' with the oil workers! lol
sharewhere you going ?!
uhhh to the ... bathrOOM !!
"Have you listened to yourself lately? HAVE YOU !!! Everything with you is I-I-I..there is no I in team! It's T-E-A-M team...Otto!"