Who thought that Shelly's 5 week premature baby looked pretty darned healthy and big?
She obviously states that she still had "6 weeks or so" until the baby came, then a week later she gives birth, when Vada returns home from her 5 day adventure. I mean why not just say 2 or 3 weeks?
Also as another poster has mentioned how DID all the friends know the mom was dead? I mean it is plausible that yeah they did hear about it, but who would have told them? Harry would most likely be the one to tell them and in that case why didn't Harry shorten Vada's adventure by telling her her moms friends names??
Oh because it's a movie....and because of a whirlwind romance (at least 10-12 months) Maggie never felt obligated to tell her new husband any of her friends names or have him meet any.