PLOT HOLES from My Girl
Okay, this is a very small thing, but it's always bugged me.
#1, in the first My Girl, Harry tell his brother that he hasn't been on a date in "20 years". And we don't think much of it because hey, maybe Harry and his wife had been married a long time before Vada came along. so, ok.
But THEN in My Girl 2, we learn that Harry and his wife had a "whirlwind romance" and harry "proposed on the 2nd date, we were married two weeks later, almost 9 months later you came along, and then she was gone"
SO: at the very LEAST it had been 11 years since his last date.
#2, in the first My Girl, Vada and Thomas J. finds a picture of Vada's mother and Harry. in the photo Vada's mother has long brown hair. But in the end of My Girl 2, and Vada is watching the old home movies of her mother, she has short platinum blonde hair. I know that the movies are from before harry met vada's mother. but they were around the same time because the guy that vada thinks may be her real father tells her about how vada's mother wanted to BE a mother, and he didn't. And how then she met harry and they clicked instantly.
any thoughts on these little oversights??