Vada's 'friend'Judy

I thought it was lousy how Judy acted. In the first one you can tell that she really wanted to be friends with Vada and Thomas J. After Thomas J. died she came by Vada's house to tell her how sorry she was.Then they became friends. But in the second one, she basically ditched Vada for a guy who, in my opinon, was a complete jerk. I don't think Thomas J. would've ditched her for anyone else.


girls just get b*tchy in puberty. no, thomas j would never have ditched her. god, that makes me sad...


me 2



okay. calm down.
judy was BARELY there for 10 minutes so they cant possibly show anything that would prove that their friendship had substance.
and she didn't ditch Vada for the guy! so what if she was doing homework with him?! She liked him before Vada so HOW does it matter?

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, spit in it and give it back to life.



yeah..i think anna did an AMAZING job in My Girl . My girl 2 is okay..not as good as the first one. its about her going to find information about her mother.

"There may well be a method in your madness. Assuming of course that you are not mad to start with"


It's not that Vada liked the guy at all, it's that Judy entered her boy crazy faze and sort of left Vada behind a little bit, got wrapped up in her own thing the way teenage girls do. And the end of the first movie gives us the impression that she's the only friend Vada really has after Thomas J, so to see her do that is a little annoying, even if it is totally normal.


UnionJGirl - Girls can get pretty effing b*tchy in kindergarten too. Hahaha, I should know. I've been the target of ridicule thanks to girls since kindergarten.

To the OP - Honestly, she was a total b*tch, but who isn't when you think the guy you like likes someone else (even if it isn't true)? I think guys and girls alike have all gone through that.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


thomas j is a good kid and that chick was a bitch personnally i dont think thomas j would have left vada even if she blew his leg off with a shotgun


unfortunately, that's just how some girls are. I have had many girlfriends in my life who disappear once they start a relationship with a guy. And then when the honeymoon phase is over (or they breakup completely), I suddenly hear from them again.

It sucks and pisses me off, but its just life.


As lei3 wrote, yep.

