Best Disney Movie

Lion King was the first movie I ever watched in my entire life. I was 1 years old and could barely stay awake; yet it kept my attention from start to finish and is a Disney Masterpiece. I argue that it could be the greatest Disney movie of all time, considering all the themes, the soundtrack, voice acting and art. I even watched the Broadway show in New York because it was so good. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read this, yes art can be subjective, but I believe Walt Disney's "The Lion King" is objectively the best they have to offer. Take care and have a nice day everybody. :)


Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read this, yes art can be subjective, but I believe Walt Disney's "The Lion King" is objectively the best they have to offer.

Everyone around here knows my thoughts on The Lion King so I'm not going to reiterate them here. All I'm going to say is that there's no such thing as an "objectively" best film. My favorite Disney movie is Tangled and I could come up with just as many great things about that film as one could this one. That's really irrelevant though as at the end of the day the best films are the ones we each hold dear to ourselves. I'm glad a Disney film means so much to you just the same, let's just keep things like facts and objectivity out of these discussions as they don't belong in them.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


I think the one thing I love about Disney (not including Pixar) is that they have so many "Classic" and "Iconic" movies under their belt that there's bound to be one or two that are an all-time favourite to them. My two are The Lion King and Aladdin, but the majority I respect and understand why people like them.


I really tend to think the best Disney films are the ones released after Walt's death. He was great and all, but he upheld too much of a certain aesthetic and tonal sameness without much room for diversity of artistic license. He also upheld the same archaic moral principles in his films (where the good guy is a white testosterone junkie, the female can never think for herself, and foreigners are always stupid) where the films after his death were allowed to express much more complex thematic ideas.



I disagree with this statement strongly. While Tangled is my overall favorite Disney film, I don't believe Disney has ever come close to the artistry and brilliance of Fantasia, Bambi, or maybe even Pinocchio. Those films are still in a class of their own in several ways. Even the themes in those movies were far bolder than anything I've seen from them since, even the often overrated Hunchback of Notre Dame.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Tutu- I don't see how you can say Hunchback is overrated, it only has a 6.9 here last time I checked. I would say it's underrated and personally my second favorite Disney movie after The Little Mermaid. I Also consider Tarzan, The Princess and the Frog and Sleeping Beauty underrated and Mulan, The Lion King and Wreck it Ralph overrated. Everybody has their own opinions:-))


I don't want to get into an argument over Hunchback, honestly I shouldn't even have mentioned it as it was the least important part of my post.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


It was the first movie I ever saw in the theater when I was three years old. I was Simba the following Halloween and since only my brother was around and my two sisters weren't born yet, I made my brother be Nala :)

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


I am surprised you remember watching this movie at the age of 1, but your parents would have told you this I mean who remembers anything from the year they turned 1 years old? I have also seen the Broadway musical but not on Broadway and it is great show even with the Muppets and the costumes that they have the actors and actresses wear for the ones that are playing the adult characters.


Lion King was my first movie I saw in theatres, when I was ten years old. Still probably my favorite as well!

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Definitely not the best movie that's the jungle book lion king is overrated it's ok but nothing special


Jungle Book is a travesty, a disrespectful screw-up of an actually rather good story.


Actually, it's a good movie. You're just wrong.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Yeah. Lion King is nothing special. Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.


It isn't special what you smoking whatever helps me sleep at night


I agree with you 100%. It's my favourite movies of all time.
