MovieChat Forums > Heavenly Creatures (1994) Discussion > Just watched Heavenly Creatures again

Just watched Heavenly Creatures again

I hadn't seen it since its release in 1994. A very intense and interesting film. I couldn't help seeing similar elements of this story in the recent Slender Man attempted murder by two much younger girls: obsession with fantasy, youthful friendship, a desire to escape to an ideal world. Heavenly Creatures was an amazing study of how the families' situations evolved into a murder.


Wow! That never occurred to me. But yes, quite a parallel.


Nothing to see here, move along.


Yep... It made me think of it as well.


I think it's a great film up until the very last scene where they commit the murder, It's one of Peter Jackson's amazing study on family situations evolved into a good friendship obsession with fantasy and murder.


Can anyone help me to get a DVD copy of "Heavenly Creatures".


I agree that it is an intense look at two young girls and their obsession with fantasy until they murder the mother.
