I heard about a DVD in the works... but that's about it... anyone know anything about it?
shareI heard about a DVD in the works... but that's about it... anyone know anything about it?
shareThe only DVD currently available is the Region 2 German release, which has both an English and a German soundtrack. Unless you have a multi-regioned DVD player - which I don't believe many Americans do, then for the moment you won't be able to get it.
shareI read your reply about the freaked dvd.Do you have a copy? I am trying to track it down at the moment, am just trying to find out if has english speakng version
shareAnchor Bay has just announced that they will be doing a special edition for FREAKED.
shareFangoria puts it at May of '05 for a release
Wow! This is fantastic news, it's always great to see these eccentric little films that went so overlooked get a special treatment, it gives me hope for all the other mauled, maligned and manipulated flicks that I long to see revisited and restored on dvd...
How's about 'An American Werewolf In Paris' director's cut anyone!?!
Once again for those who missed it http://fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=2794
shareFrom the Fangoria link - Anchor Bay’s Michael Felsher tells Fango. “It should be out in early summer of next year, and will have audio commentary, interviews, deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes footage—whatever’s available. We have every intention of using the version with the extra scenes [not seen in Fox’s domestic theatrical and VHS/laserdisc cut], which just came out in England.”
Kind of a shame that they're including the extra scenes in the movie, instead of just putting them in the deleted scenes section of the DVD - or making a seamless branching version, but I don't think Anchor Bay has ever tried the branching option. I bought the England DVD and was happily suprised when the extra scenes popped up throughout the film. Unfortunately, as they played out - they didn't really add anything and ruined the pace. To top it off, the jokes in these scenes were pretty lame and didn't mesh well with the rest of the film. I thought it had been a good decision to cut these, but if that's really Alex Winter's preferred version - then so be it.
I don't want to end this on a downer though, so just for the record - I'm incredibly happy about this DVD release. Anchor Bay has long been one of my favorite DVD companies - so the fact that they're involved is truly great. Maybe Freaked will be among their "DiviMax" editions.
I believe it's this year.
As far as the extra scenes - I believe there were two.
One is before the escape-door sequence with the milkman. The scene is of the freaks playing another game - I think it was like wheel of fortune. There was a really lame joke about being half-cocked.
The other extra sequence had Alex Winter's character making amends with his fellow freaks right before the show where Elijah would turn him into a super-freak.
It's been a while, so I don't quite remember for sure how accurate my already vague discriptions are.
That line is pretty funny - but most of the humor in those scenes just feel a bit forced and out of place to me. I'd probably be singing a different tune if I hadn't grown up with the original theatrical version of Freaked.
This extended edition is probably closer to Alex Winter's original cut before the test audiences forced the film to be cut down some - but still, I think the theatrical version of the film is perfect as is. I just hope it finds a home on DVD.
It's being released on June 14th of this year by 20th Century Fox/Anchor Bay. Go to dvdaficionado.com and search for it.
Hate to disappoint everyone who had the June release date circled on their calendars, but the Freaked release date is now July 12, 2005. But, from what I understand it'll be worth the wait. It's a 2-disc set now packed with extra features. There's a new article on Fanoria.com that goes into detail:
I've got the dvd, and the extra scenes are NOT incorporated back into the movie. Rather, the two extra scenes from the British print ARE the deleted scenes on the disc. These being the "wheel of fortune" scene, and Ricky's tearful goodbyes... Unfortunately, there are still about 20 scenes or so that didn't make the cut and weren't on the dvd. These you can see in the workprint version of the film. That's too bad, because I was hoping to see better quality versions of these... Oh well. That's my ONLY complaint on this otherwise stellar dvd release. So anyone thinking about getting this, just do it. It is well worth it, especially the poster gallery and production art. Very cool stuff for an overlooked classic.
shareDVD will be released July 12, 2005 in Canada
Tomorrow is the day!!!! Woohoo! I'm really excited! I seriously have watched this VHS copy so often that it is starting to make funky noises when I play it... I think its about to burst!
Party on.
I bought the dvd yesterday. Great dvd i must say. It comes in a fantastic package, with a clear slip-case that opens to reveal all of the freaks! I thought the extras were ok, though i personally would have liked a documentary on the making of the movie instead of the rehersal version of it, but it was funny anyways, all in all a great dvd!
Filth is my politics! Filth IS MY LIFE!
I had gotten mine back on Tuesday at Best Buy (WM didn't have it) and the only real complaint I have with the DVD is I was kinda hoping for subtitles. But hey ... still a great buy and I love the movie.
shareThe packaging is excellent. The transfer is great. But the extras are a bit lacking for a two-disc set, however the commentary and having "Squeal of Death" on there were worth every penny.
My only real complaint was that I was hoping that the deleted scenes would be edited back into the movie. Great movie but 79 minutes isn't enough!... Other than that it was worth all of the 15.00 I laid down for it.
the 'squeal of death' was priceless! i agree, it made the whole extra dvd worth it.
shareI saw this movie a few years ago on the Sci-Fi channel late one night. It was around 2 am so i was really tired. After that i never heard about it again. I seriously thought I had a nightmare, and thats what the movie was.
After that, i spent years of my life looking out for it, and trying to rememeber as much as i can to see it again.
Today i was at wal-mart buying movies, and i saw this and "freaked" out. I bought it on the spot. Its been years since ive seen it, and i cant wait to watch it again. This is definitly one of the best cult classics out there.
yea i actually work at this wal-mart you speak of,and unfortunatly i hadnt even seen this movie until my vendor was there to take it back with her,luckily i snagged a copy of this "well worth the 20$" movie,and the movies still just as good as i remember it!
shareI managed to pick this up at Best Buy for $13.99 today. My life is complete.