Finally on DVD
After petitioning for several years, and fighting with people who say it is garbage, Freaked is finally on DVD. Because of Wit's praxical nature, comedy's value must sometimes be measured in terms of orginality. Good comedy must sometimes must take risks with its audience. If an audience must stop to "determine" whether something is funny, it can be either good or bad. It is bad if the person fetishizes the artist and uses this fetish as a heuristic to irrationally determine that their art is good. If someone however, bias aside, takes the time to follow the psycological route the artist embarked on, they can see why it is, or isn't funny. Seeing only an impenetrable mask of toilet humour, people judged this film without exploring the psycological route of comedy that Winter and Stern created.
It is strange that people are still not used to the degree to which films are designed for mechanical reproduction. If they don't get it on the first viewing, in other words, they still feel as though they can judge it. There's no shame in not having an opinion because you only saw it once. Watch Freaked again. And again, and again. Now you can do it without re-winding.