MovieChat Forums > Freaked (1994) Discussion > Mr T !!! What the f*ck are you doing

Mr T !!! What the f*ck are you doing

The one thing that i remember about this film is Mr T - My childhood hero, playing the bearded lady !! My illusions of him being a hard nut from the A -Team and from Rocky 3 were shattered forever !


youre kinda a dick.
thanks for the anecdote thought


Nosy I never really liked you


I think somebody is looking for an arguement, you dont even know me dude. I do laugh at such people that have to slag people off behind a computer. How very mature of you, maybe you should stick to the chat rooms in future.



Nosey - My Suspicions are confirmed , its not your fault tho - you just lack class !!


oh man, is that supposed to offend me or something?
In what way do I lack class? And how can I guy whose hero is Mr T say something like that.
Oh and that thing about me being one of those guys behind a computer screen: I'd be saying the same thing if you were right in front of me.


Not supposed to offend you, just pointing out a simple fact.

You may well say it to my face, wouldnt make you any less of an idiot though - Thats my last interaction with you, oh and dont forget to say thanks to your parents for blessing the world with your presence.


nothing wrong with crossdressing! everything wrong with Mr T crossdressing though

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken


shall we do the same to your parents for spwaning a hipocrite such as yourself?
you say he lacks class for insulting someone he doesnt know and yet you do the exact same thing to him. Jim, I have a little advice for you, practice what you preach.


you mean exactly what you're doing only with smaller words, right Jim?


Excuse me....

i was not the one starting the ill feeling here if you care to read back to the beginning, but i suppose thats ok. All i can think is you must be a friend of his...



you did start the ill feeling here however, by starting the whole thread talking about how you lost respect for Mr T. because he can have a sence of humor about himself. the reply you got was about the way you stated your opinion, and it was pretty much true from what Im reading now. you came and stated your negitive opinion about someone else then got mad when it was done to you. I think you need to grow up a little jim bob, not everyone is out to get you ya know.

and I dont know this person at all, I just saw your ignorant post and felt it needed a comment.


*Sniffs air* Wow I can feel the love in this board.


I think you might be mistaking love for old flatulence with a bit of lavender.


well if *beep* T is ur hero then we should thank your parents for their total lack of values and morals and hell common sense lol


I have always loved Mr. T, in the A-Team and everything else he's ever been in. He rocked as The Bearded Lady !


It takes balls to be a bearded lady.
Gotta respect him for it...


Damn straight, heh.


I don't believe jimbob was being a dick. Sure, the subject line sounds crude, but the content was simple humor which in no way entailed him to be a dick. Secondly, Nosey the noseman should watch his mouth before he makes fun of a person for having Mr. T as a childhood hero. I say this namely due to the fact that a large majority of his other message board posts are centered around "Ren and Stimpy" (the lame remake, at that) and analyzing "Friday the 13th VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.'

And i quote:

"Dude, the first thing that was EVER established about Jason (apart from the fact that he drowned) was the fact that he was disabled. He was hydrocephalic or a mongoloid or something. Remember "Jason wasn't.... :) Jason wasn't a very good swimmer". There's footage of Jason before he drowned, he did not get deformed by being under water for so long like most people think... including, it seems, Rob Heddon."

So i guess when you're not hanging tough in the Freaked message boards, you're busy studying the complexities of a movie entitled "Jason Takes Manhattan." (Don't get me wrong, i like when he punches the guy's head off of the rooftop, but come on...that's seriously the entire plot of the movie, and series for that matter.)

Also, nosey, how very big of you to assure the board that you would in fact say it "to his face" whether or not you were behind a computer. Instead of wasting your time (and other's) as you struggle with a mean bout of Little Boy Syndrome, stick to discussing the complexities of Ren and Stimpy and Jason's-post waterlogging. Just stick to what you know.

Oh and you were wondering about your lack of class? I believe that was proven in your second post when you responded with "suck my dick." It was very mature and emitted wave upon wave of class. No, really. It did. Is this making any sense yet?

Oh! And speaking of sense, "king of bob," the next time you try and degrade someone on a message board, use a spellchecker. Last time I checked, it was "Sense," not "Sence." So, how's that G.E.D. coming along? And way to call someone a "hipocrite" because they retaliated to a snide comment made about them. If you and someone else each had a gun and they were shooting at you, would you simply tell yourself, "Oh, but if i shoot back, i'll be just like him!" Right. You're such a martyr to the IMDB boards. Shall i help you carry your cross?

Oh and if anyone is reading this and considering posting a wise-ass comment such as "Oh you make fun them for being lame, but here you are posting this novel on a message board...looks like you have nothing better to do, not them!!" Guess what? It's 1:56 in the morning and I honestly have nothing better to do at this hour, so save it. Message boards (the Freaked board, nonetheless) are made for discussion, not feminine bickering and ego boosting. I wish you people could get it straight.

We should all totally get together and watch the 2-Disc edition DVD. Who's in??

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"



I'm in.

I want to watch this movie again. I haven't seen it for at least 6 or 7 years now, but have watched it at least 8 times. It's just so damn funny.


I first saw it in the 7th grade. My parents rented it for me and i loved it. I invited a ton of friends over to sleep that night and we all watched it. Since then we've rented the same VHS of it, and the quality has only gotten worse. I think i was 12 or 13 then, and we're all 22 or so now, so yeah, that's crazy how long it's been. Two of us went and picked it up at Best Buy today. 13 bucks! Crazy, i tell you!

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


It has such non-stop humour. Every scene was packed. And I've seen a few examples where their humour was copied in other mass media, for instance the plane crash scene where he looks up and goes "Glad that wasn't our plane", redone on The Simpsons where Homer is falling asleep at the wheel and then the car goes off the road and explodes, and then it pans back to their hotel room.


"Styrofoam cup..." is (in my opinion) still the best. That was my favoritle line 10 years ago, and it still is.

my other favorites are:

-"Elijah's system is very complex"
*cut to* "PICK A FREEK!"

-The whole "Damn buttered popcorn!" scene

-The aforementioned "Glad that wasn't our plane..." scene

- "...and then Elijah turned me into a sock."

- "...But you can keep the beard!!!" scene

and of course:

"Freeks is a registered trademark of...etc"

and many many more.

I've been online friends for probably 6 years with the sister of Alex Zuckerman, the kid who played Stuey Gluck. I need to ask her if he's psyched about an integral part in the extras on the DVD!

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


"Some people have ESP, <I forgot his name> has ESPN."


lol, "Sockhead." Come on now! We're on imdb! They have the cast list for these movies!! Have you had the chance to buy it yet?

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


I was so tired last night when I wrote that, that I actually put in "ISP" instead of "ESP", but it didn't look quite right ... heh.


hey, it happens...

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


Ah Radio, so you have had the pleasure of interacting with noesy too have you. Makes it all the worse when you get his mate king of bob joining in too ;-)


Actually, i've never interacted with Nosey. I just read the thread and was bothered. This was partially due to the fact that he ruined my Freaked buzz and it was almost 2 in the am.

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


What are the features on the region 1 release?

The UK release has none.

Oh, I tell a lie, it has a trailer.


Instead of typing them out myself and forgetting probably all of them (i.e. my probable reaction would've been "I think there's a deleted scene") here's a copy from Amazon's information on the US release.

DVD Features:

* Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
* Commentary by directors/Writers Alex Winter and Tom Stern
* Featurette: Hijinx in Freek Land
* A conversation with writer Tim Burns
* Theatrical trailer and deleted scenes
* Freaked art gallery
* DVD-ROM: Screenplay
* Disc Two:
* Freaked: The Reehersel Version: Full-length rehearsal of the film with scenes & dialogue cut from the final film
* Early script readings of selected scenes
* Terrifying footage featuring the character of Stuey Gluck
* Behind-the-scenes video of the construction of Freek Land
* Witness Alex Winter's makeup transformation
* Two short films by Tom Stern and Alex Winter: Squeal of Death, & NYU Sight & Sound Project
* Number of discs: 2

I have a region free player and a long time ago i considered getting the UK version, but like you said, it seemed so bare. I heard there was some extra footage in it though, is that true by any chance?

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


Like it's an extended cut?

I dunno about that, as I have only ever seen this version.


Yeah if i recall, i remember someone saying the UK release contained some extra footage not in the original US VHS. It wouldn't even be a deleted scene, but instead just included in the movie. But, if you never saw any other version but that one, like you said you probably wouldn't notice. Just curious, though :)

"Brilliant Humor for the Non-Thinker"


I (among others) absolutley enjoy this dvd set,and like a few of you,had the privelage(?)to see this movie when it first came out,as well as read the novel based on the movie (which included a hilarious scene with Ortiz taking a piss on the eternal flame).all in all,I'm glad they re-released this movie,absolutley incredible,oh and another memorable quote:
Sock-head~"Sorry I'm Not much of one for stories/timing/death"



yup,I don't remember who it was written by,all i remember is that it was sitting in a book store one day and i had to get it,it has a few pictures from the movie,as well as another joke about christian slater.




Your grammar and spelling are quite humourous, thank you.
