Elizabeth (spoiler)

Why did he have to cut off her head and sew her back together? I missed the part of the movie when he created the Creature, so I was confused when he took her body (which seemed whole) and chopped it up just to put it back together.



Because her normal body didn't have a heart anymore, so he sewed her head on Justine's.



Then why were her hands stitched as well? And what was the point of the facial sutures? I get that her hair burned off, but I didn't understand the rest.


My understanding was that he put Elizabeth's hands on Justine's body because of the wedding ring and for the fact that they would be HER hands that would touch him and that he would touch, since a person's hands are one of the most things on a person's body that you interact with. The hands have meaning.

He also had to stich up her face and everything because her face was injured too. Think about it. She was tossed off the bed, hit a side table with her face, and then her whole head was on fire. So her face had major injury to it. But of course, Frankenstein didn't want to change anything about her face because it was HER face and he still felt she was beautiful because he loved her. So the sewing is just to heal her face, like it did with the creature.


Oh, okay. Thanks!


Wow! Lol!


Same thing with the monster as well...

Couldnt Victor have just zapped John Cleese a few times rather than pinch his brain and stick it in Robert De Niro..

John Cleese would have made a funnier Monster anyway... Frankenstein Meets Basil Fawlty...


If he reanimated Professor Waldman, he would have had something completely different.



I would definitely see the movie. It's not the best thing ever, but for what it was good.

It is thought to be one of the closer representations of the book, but it did change around some stuff. Like even "remaking" Elizabeth...that never happened, but it sort of works in the movie. From the way Kenneth plays Victor, I can believe that he would do what he did.

And by the way, they do dig Justine up, or the creature does at least. In the movie your given the feeling that the creature framed Justine because he wanted her body used.

Good luck on your project!!! ;-)


If he reanimated Professor Waldman, he would have had something completely different.



If he reanimated Professor Waldman, he would have had something completely different.


Thank you. I knew there had to be someone out there who would get the reference. Not everyone on this board is an upperclass twit.



He didn't do that in the book.
He was creating the creation a mate, but Shelley didn't say anything about it being Justines body as well
I think its just hollywood over doing things again

Edward Cullen Prefers Brunettes!


My entire english class started freaking out when Elizabeth was killed and re-made and we all freaked out until the very end.It was just really unlike the book and a little creepy towards the end their and of course all the guys made awful jokes

My Junk is Spring Awakening

*previously MarcyPark119*


Dogluver222, you explain everythin' so beautifully!


The creature ripped out her heart so her body was in extremely bad repair. He chopped off her head and put it on Justine's body for that reason. The hands seemed odd to me as well. I guess he wanted to keep as much parts of Elizabeth as possible? It seems more likely that it has more to do with the visual of it over logical sense. Doesn't it look way creepier and interesting to look at that she has stitched hands along with the neck and face?
