Caroline's labor

I don't get the scene with Caroline giving birth - was her belly cut open to get out the baby (so she died, naturally)or did they cut her vagina to get it out and she bled to death, for the bleeding was too profuse or something like that?



Probably neither. It's more likely she died of some kind of haemorrhage, hence all the blood.


No probably neither to it. She says clearly "Cut me and save the baby". We then see Doctor Frankenstein raise his knife and swing it. There was DEFINITELY a cut. Only question is where.


I now admit that scene gave me a knot in my stomach. I always thought the baby was breeched. But (mimicking Batman) MY GOD! she lost a lot of blood and even got her doctor husband soaked. Also I was surprised Victor never blame little Willy for their mother's death, which that would be stupid.
🐱 *nya* *purr*


Well, Victor was a brilliant man, so blaming an innocent baby for their mother's death would have been stupid and unfair.
