What a shit film- it didn't go anywhere or know what it wanted to be?
Sure, it had it's moments of action and tears, but especially after the Jennie's death bit, his running was an idiotic, futile montage and killed the emotion.
shareSure, it had it's moments of action and tears, but especially after the Jennie's death bit, his running was an idiotic, futile montage and killed the emotion.
shareHis running happened before Jenny died and was bookended between her conceiving & leaving and the child reveal, marriage, & death.
Were you paying attention?
I couldn't disagree with you more. The running scene was my favorite part of the movie. Plus it makes sense why he'd do it. He was having a good time with Jenny and then she leaves him. This made him have nothing of interest to do so he runs around America for a few years until he gets tired of it. If you have no loved ones or friends to hang out with you might do something like it too.