What did Jenny die of?
Was it ever mentioned?
shareAIDS. The movie wanted her to pay dearly for her liberal ways.
shareSo did she contract it after she had Forrest jr.?
shareSo did she contract it after she had Forrest jr.?
I don't think liberalism has to do with it. I know liberals that are against anyone doing illegal drugs. Especially LSD which is what she was taking all the time in her hippie days. Frankly I don't think Forrest was necessarily that conservative. There's nothing to say he actually agreed with the Vietnam War and he certainly wasn't conservative with his money seeing as how he gave a lot of it to charitable causes including giving Bubba's mom a bunch so she wouldn't have to work hard anymore.
shareExactly. I'm a staunch conservative and winced at that post, assuming it was either a troll or even a liberal trying to dopplegang a conservative saying something stupid.
AIDS knows no political ideologies, race, religion, etc.
.. and he (Forrest) certainly wasn't conservative with his money seeing as how he gave a lot of it to charitable causes including giving Bubba's mom a bunch so she wouldn't have to work hard anymore.
I don't know about this idea that conservatives are more generous to charity than other groups. It may be true, but I'm not going to swallow it just because you say it. Which conservatives in what income brackets and what are their motives? Does Hobby Lobby give to Planned Parenthood? They likely give to charity like mega churches and repub PACs. They got so much stinkin' $$ they can afford to shovel some over to their crony interests. What about people who give TIME not $$ ? I sure as hell don't want thoughtless people to believe that pubs are more generous than Progressives. Progs got less $$ to start with.
shareIn the novel, Forrest was a pretty big pothead.
shareAIDS from dirty needles.