Forrest Gump was what we n ow call "autistic"
Autistic people are not dumb, idiots, or have a lower IQ. They just process information differently and have an inability to form relationships with others. They also have a propensity for talent (art, math like "Rain man" etc), and in Forrest's case, it was Ping Pong and running. They can come across as distant or not social, and happier on their own. He was not stupid. Autistic people tend to have language issues as well. My son is 26 and on the high functioning end of the spectrum, he tends to do everything better than others (though sometimes heavy handed). If you met him you wouldn't know he's on the spectrum, until you have stayed with him for a while and realize he occasionally misses social cues. They also tend to love very faithfully and stick to routines.
Forrest would have a lower IQ because the test was not presented in the right format for an autistic person. I work in special education as well, and there are certain ways information needs to be presented depending on the child.
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