MovieChat Forums > Dumb and Dumber (1994) Discussion > What movie did Lloyd see that in?

What movie did Lloyd see that in?

In the scene where they convince the waitress that Sea Bass is going to pick up their tab, Lloyd says he got this idea from a movie. Is there really a movie with this scene in it or was it made up? And if there is, what movie was it?


Something Wild (1986)


Haha, looks like Jeff Daniels is in that movie. I'll have to check it out sometime.


He's the one who pulls the scam, I believe.


Do they cut his throat!?


I haven't personally watched it yet, but I'm assuming so.


I saw it 20 years ago, it’s a kind of comedy thriller and I definitely don’t recall Daniels’ character - the clutzy but charming lead - getting his throat cut for a prank.


Dammit, now I'll have to find it and watch it lol
I figured if he was a main character, that probably wouldn't have happened, but ya never know. Maybe it's just that he was in that movie, not that he was the one who pulled the prank.
That John Denver's full of shit, man.


They don’t cut his throat. Jeff Daniel’s character is alive at the end. But Ray Liotta’s character dies.


And what joke ends with “but that’s a nice ski mask”
