does anyone know what song is playing when corey feldman puts on the glasses and the other corey makes him dance around the kitchen?
sharedoes anyone know what song is playing when corey feldman puts on the glasses and the other corey makes him dance around the kitchen?
shareNo :-( I've been looking for that song forever. . .
The song seems is similar to the crap Corey Feldman wrote when he was trying to be a musician, like the time he lost to Howard Stern and the Losers in a battle of bands. Maybe it's on one of his self-released albums. This movie was made during the period when Corey had a nose job and began imitating Michael Jackson for some strange reason. I wonder if Michael passed his dance moves on to Corey through molestation.
shareYou're not the first person to wonder if Jacko ever diddled Corey Feldman or Macauley Culkin or any of the other kids he was hanging around with back then. But really, in a thread about a song in a flop of a movie? That's where you're going to mention it? And in a lame attempt to explain why Corey thought grabbing his crotch and flipping his hair made him look cool, huh. Oh well, on to your (implied) question: Yes, I'm sure that the magical powers of hair flipping, nostril flaring, and crotch grabbing can surely be passed down through genital contact.
shareyes, cocksmith - in a stupid forum about a stupid movie, i made a stupid joke. what the hell was i thinking? i forgot we were supposed to be curing cancer on here. so take your answers to implied questions and shove them up your stupid *beep* ass.