MovieChat Forums > Dream a Little Dream 2 (1995) Discussion > Quite possibly the WORST movie ever prod...

Quite possibly the WORST movie ever produced!!!

I am sorry! I love the Coreys. The Lost Boys is one of my favorite movies of all time but this movie is just atrocious. It's one of the movies though that you find yourself watching and you don't change the channel. It does have that power I will admit. Like Showgirls. Although Showgirls blows this movie away.

rock out


It's not the worst movie ever, but hardly something that I would recommend.


A must watch for Stacie Randall's fan.


i herd this is when everyone found out haim and feldman on blow all the time didnt equal block buster hit.


Yes, I agree. "Dream a Little Dream 2" was pretty bad. If I wasn't pointedly looking out to view what ever Corey Haim was in , I would have avoided this.

All the elements were there to make this film succeed and the film makers just dropped the ball over and over!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Is it close to the bottom? Yes.

Is it the worst movie of all time? Almost.

The #1 worst movie ever filmed was Lucas ('86).

Wow, Lucas is so bad. So bad man! I put it at the bottom, and I didn't even see the first 30 minutes. That's a statement.

In the case of Lucas, it is probably easier to tell you what's RIGHT about it... since isolating the flaws would be fantastically time-consuming.

No doubt. Worst ever. Bad everything, and the putrid film score deserves a mention in this Hall of Shame.

Lucas represents the worst in Hollywood, with ALL of the usual cliches.

I'm tellin ya... watching Lucas actually caused me physical discomfort.

The worst of the worst baby. Whoa.




Agreed... last resort is painful.

"We stayed up all night dry humping, it was awful, I think she gave me poison ivy."


It's not a good movie, but by far not the worst ever made. i fking hate threads like this and am going to vote it a 9/10 now. Cheers.


It could be worse. He could've called Lucas the worst movie ever produced, like that other guy in this thread.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


Obviously you haven't seen "Star Worms 2 Attack of the Pleasure Pods"
