Wow. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a movie in my entire life. This isn't supposed to be a comedy, but I just found it so ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. The pinnacle came when the guy put on that robot outfit and starting pointing his hand at everything and cursing like a sailor. Anyone else have this reaction?
You bet... I haven't laughed this much even about the last comedy flick I saw! What a load of bollocks :) - Thankfully I only paid five franks for it! :)
PLUS: I actually managed to aquire a GERMAN only (!) version of the DVD - And when he puts on the suit - he starts shouting everything he sais - and I nearly wet myself! - Utterly ridiculous!
I haven't lost my mind.... it's backed up on a hard drive somewhere....
funniest movie i hav ever seen in my life the part mrblonde quotes was amazing and that one guy unloads liek 3 clips on the death machine turns around an dhits a pole and thats how he dies HAHAH
I meant... What about those sparks on Warbeast's surface while they were shooting at it WITH BLANKS! Was it out of IT'S instinct? Or maybe Death Machine was ASSUMING that the ammo was real...
Did you even watch the movie? They were shooting it with blanks in the beginning of the movie before Weyland got killed by it. Afterwards they used a stash of Hardman weapons with LIVE ammo. Kudos for coming up with dumb theories and laughing at things that weren't in the movie...
I'm not laughing at the movie, because I like it very much - one of my personal favourites. But... There ARE sparks visible on (or should I say "in") the Warbeast when Raimi is shooting at it with blanks (at least in the "director's cut" that I owe). I suppose your version is foolproof.
If I am dumb, then you are dumb and blind. Maybe even deaf...
Relax, I really like this flick, and I've always enjoyed that scene. I think it's hilarious! You didn't have to call me names or anything...
I repeat, the only scene where there are sparks coming off of it it is when Yutani and Cale are shooting at with Hardman's weapons with live ammo.
As far as name-calling - the only one calling you dumb is yourself, I called your theory dumb, not you, but I guess you just like going the extra mile. You might wanna watch it again cuz you obviously slept through most of it before.
Every theory is as dumb/wise as it's author, so you DID call me names. Besides it's not dumb and it's not a theory, it's a fact. I've watched the movie again today very carefully and (at least in my version... Are you sure we're talking about Stephen Norrington's "Death Machine"?) THERE ARE sparks coming off of it visible in the scene when Raimi is shooting at it right before Weyland's death. I made a mistake when I wrote "they were shooting at it", because it was Raimi himself who was shooting, but that's it. I repeat, I like this movie very much, and I'd rather like NOT to see goofs in it. So if I do, I guess they really exist.
And by the way, how could anyone sleep through a cool fun-movie like "DM"? THAT was a dumb theory, my friend!
> Every theory is as dumb/wise as it's author, so you DID call me names.
You do make a point there and I apologize for that. Granted, you did the same in your responce to my original post...
> I've watched the movie again today very carefully and (at least in my > version... Are you sure we're talking about Stephen Norrington's "Death > Machine"?) THERE ARE sparks coming off of it visible in the scene when Raimi > is shooting at it right before Weyland's death. I made a mistake when I > wrote "they were shooting at it", because it was Raimi himself who was > shooting, but that's it.
Yeah, i'm quite positive we're talking about the same film. I just rewatched the scene myself. Once it starts running at them in Dante's vault, it is shown twice for about half a second each time before it bites on the gas tank Weyland grabs and the explosion blows Raimi out of the vault. Both times the machine looks like a blur, and there is nothing resembling sparks on it, or around it. I have two cuts of the movie, the crappy US one and the one from UK and they both have this scene the same way.
> I repeat, I like this movie very much, and I'd rather like NOT to see > goofs in it. So if I do, I guess they really exist.
My only explanations are that you're either seeing thins that aren't there or that your cut is butchered by someone and scenes from Cale and Yutani shooting it are pasted into the scene with Raimi and Weyland in the vault.
> And by the way, how could anyone sleep through a cool fun-movie like "DM"? > THAT was a dumb theory, my friend!
Man, I've just watched it again... And guess what? The sparks are still there! Aaargh! I don't really know what to think now. I've read your other posts on "Death Machine", so I am aware of the fact that you know this movie very well, and also many details of different releases. For example, your characterizing of Yutani is similar to one I did over the years. But... The f.....' sparks ARE THERE! I guess my cut is butchered indeed. I mean, I wasn't stoned when I was watching it, so I'm not "seeing things that aren't there". Besides, I know a few people who dislike this movie for years now and they remember those damn sparks too! I even spoke to one of them today - he said he had seen the sparks. In a way we were both right.
Putting that aside it's a shame Norrington never came back to making films like "DM". At least I wasn't totally satisfied with "Blade", "The Last Minute" is a different story, and I've heard "The League" sucked. It would be nice if he made a sequel, or maybe something like "Robocop 4", or "Robocop vs. Terminator" (a comic book of this title already exists, so it's not impossible, especially after financial success of "Freddy vs. Jason" and "Alien vs. Predator"). He is a talented director, but should write his own scripts.
That's some weird *beep* If it's not too much to ask, could you take a screenshot from that scene with the sparks in it and upload it to some free image site, like photobucket? I would really like to know what it looks like, I suspect some bad post-editing.
As far as Norrington's latest efforts... It seems that DM was either a lucky (for us) fluke, or he's done it in conjunction with some other director. Or, perhaps the movie simply didn't fare well enought to keep going in that direction. Not everyone likes a cheesy scifi horror parody as much as we do.
This isn't supposed to be a comedy, but I just found it so ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. The pinnacle came when the guy put on that robot outfit and starting pointing his hand at everything and cursing like a sailor. Anyone else have this reaction?
Stephen Norrington was interviewd by mariella frostrup on the very last episode of The Big Picture SHow [late night British TV show from the 90's]. He said it was his homage to Terminator and Robocop.
He was laughed at by the mainstream British Movie folk who didn 't laugh so loudly when they realised that sci-fi sells to territories like Japan and the USA and Germany.
It's very derivative and great fun.... ya gotta love William Hootkins [RIP] in that suit, he looks like a sack of potatos.