
Did I imagine it or when they let rip with the rifles on the warbeast did the guy with the face paint shout 'Sharuken' from Street Fighter?

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


the guy is supposed to be stereotypical tough japanese, or perhaps someone who wants to be one.
you can see that he tries to act tough and calm most of the time, but gets over the top in fights (yells, makes martial arts noises), quotes asian philosophy ("when you must walk, then walk" - Lin-chi I-hsuan),
uses japanese (in the uncut version he says "Hai" in acknowledgement on more the one occasion, and "Hai, Shoryuken" you spotted), has a japanese flag motiff tattoed (although it could be paint as well in context of the film) on his face, makes meditative hand gestures (hand in front of chest with index and middle finger together straight up), and finally, his name is Yutani which is also japanese in origin. Hope this clears it up :)


Wow! Thanks for the detailed response dospeh.

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


Actually 'Yutani' is a homage to the film quadrilogy Aliens. What is known as "The Company" throughout the Alien films is actually called "Weyland-Yutani". The other guy who gets the Hardman suit in Death Machine is called 'Weyland'. . . .

Also, at the end of Alien3 the character played by Lance Henriksen (who also played the android Bishop in Aliens) is the original Weyland that founded the company (and in the film apparently designed the androids that look like him). It all goes boobs-up though in Alien vs. Predator as he's in that and is also called Weyland. That makes him several hundred years old by the time hes in Alien3 . . . Bad continuity!


or maybe it was his great great great great grandson? who just happens to look exactly like him!! yep... and i'm the queen of sheeba. avp was terrible imo. i love death machine. i think its such a fun action packed movie thats made really well. i'd like to see stephen norrington make more films but he doesnt seem to want to.

can you imagine your life without dreamcast?...........didnt think so!


The Alien 3 Weyland that tried to negotiate with Ripley was a droid.


actually, the guy who gets the hardman suit was raimi, as in sam raimi. the blond guy who died first was weyland. also, the fat ceo was john carpenter, and the blond ceo who got eaten early on was scott ridley (reverse first and last names :P )

"is this dangerous?"
"not clinically."


Yeah apparently Stephen Norrington wanted to pay homage to all his favourite film makers at the time so he named most of the characters after them in one way or another.

Live on Xbox 360 as Ultrapro
