The Machine

Is anyone else surprised that, although definetly a B-grade movie, the Death Machine appears to be so intricate and well built? I have seen much higher budget movies where the robots do not look half as good, or scary for that matter. I wonder if the actual robot is on display somewhere....I would love to have it in my living room.


Yes you're right, but so much the more was I annoyed to watch it move in time lapse combined with that poor quality sound FX.
Dangerous things in horror movies have to move very sloooow, that's one of the Axiomatic Laws of Horror ;-)



Not at all, Robot Jox had great mechanical designs too. The thing is, the actual "Warbeast" robot was probably small scale, with separate hands and head for close-ups.


So, has this movie been released on DVD yet or will it ever be? I only "found it" from the film HARDWARE (1990) and another actor who was in both, William Hootkins.
Any info you have would be helpful! -
Thanx -

"The Film which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."



Flowbeer, it is definitely on DVD because I have a copy. It's region 2 and is via a company called Entertaiment In Video (EDV 9275).

Try the following link where you can buy it for £5.97 + P&P:


Thanks Kev, but if it's region 2 and from the UK, I doubt I'd try to get it - I just doin't wanna deal with that pounds to dollar ratio! And if I sent a U.S. money order, would it even be cashable in the UK? Seems like too much of a pain to mess with, doesn't it? ;-)

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


Yeah the machine in this movie looked really cool. The parts with the machine were probably the only parts I really liked in the movie.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


I bet this film is hard to find, isn't it? Or has it been released on dvd? I think it probably had a limited number of videos made in the 1st (and only?) production run; no one seems to care about video tapes anymore anyway.

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


It's on dvd, no extra features though. Unless you like to watch trailers.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


quite frankly, I think directors with very limited budget when keep away from the CGI can be quite creative and more effective. I submit dog soldiers, 28 days later, and the romero zombie movies as examples. even the original terminator movie was basically low budget.
