1: I have no idea why I'm contributing to such a pointless discussion, but I feel I must
2: If they say they're Norwegians, they're Norwegians. Maybe they lived in the "Little Germany" section of Oslo, I dunno
3. What is more troubling to me is that two brothers are named Hans and Jan. Both names are Germanic forms of the name John. Ioannes -> Johannes -> Johan -> John -> Jan, Ioannes -> Johannes -> Hannes -> Hans (->Haensel). Was their father some narcissist like Deon Sanders and George Foreman named Jens? Is there a Juan in the family as well? Maybe a Johanna and Jean and Ivan and and Evan and Giovanni as well?
4: Hans is played by an Englishman and Jan by a Czech. Thus their German accents are more bad acting/nobody outside of Norway can tell the difference between a German and Norwegian accent than anything else.
5. Seriously, this mouvie touts the triple deke as the greatest hockey trick known to man and we're arguing about the brother's nationality?