D2 Deleted Scenes

Hey there everybody I just posted 3 TV ads for D2 that I happen to find here is the link for it. If you watch the first two ads you will notice there are cut scenes that didn't make it in the movie that's why I wanted to post it up cause I know a lot of people wanted to see what was cut from the movie.



I rated and favorited all three. I noticed a scene in the second ad, at 11 seconds in, with Coach Bombay talking to Adam Banks about playing hockey in his back yard. I'd like to see that scene.


That scene was in the movie... it's when Coach Bombay realizes Adam has an injured wrist and makes him rotate the hockey stick, then he tells him that story about his dad watching him in the backyard.

The only scene I noticed that actually didn't make it to the final movie was the split second where Bombay is walking with Jan (sp?).


Yes Emceegonz is right the part where Bombay is talking to Adam Banks about playing hockey is in the movie. Its just shorter in the trailer and there are three parts that I notice that where not in the movie. One Emceegonz said where Bombay and Jan are walking. Two the part where Bombay is with Mr. Tibbles and rips up the contract that he signed and said am out. Three the part where Bombay is running down the hallway it looks like that scene is when he's making his way to the game that he came late too where Mrs. MacKay was coaching the ducks those where the ones that i notice in the second ad that i posted i think theres one more scene but i could be wrong and i think there are two scenes in the 1st ad that didnt make it either in the movie
