In what insane world

Is Iceland the second best hockey team?

Not Russia or Canada or Finland or Sweden or the Czechs even? Have not seen them in the olympics ever.


Iceland in this film was a weird cross between Canada and Nazi Germany.


Yeah i thought so too. I watched this years NHL draft. Not one Iceland player...


The same world where the Americans are the best.


America is a constant threat to take home Olympic gold in Men's Ice Hockey.


And yet, they haven't done it in 35 years. Remind me, what medal did they win in the last Olympics?

Now if you'd said WOMENS ice hockey I'd agree with you.


They have won 2 silver medals. Have not seen Iceland win any.


I'm Icelandic. We have a bit of a hockey following but our national team is not world class.I think we have never had a player in the NHL.

