Hockey Inaccuracies

I am from Minnesota and played hockey from the age 5 to this current day. I love this movie, but I would like to highlight some inaccuracies of the sport. I'll get it going.

1. Stopping on the shootout would result in the ref calling the play dead.



2. The incredible amount of interference calls that never were.


3. I know you CAN NOT change Jersey's half way through a game


If they're calling Julie punching the Stahl and Sanderson in the balls "intent to injure", Sanderson ax chopping Banks' arm would border on assault.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry."


5. Whenever you see them doing the Flying V, one of the back players has the puck. This would result in off sides. In they are advancing the puck before crossing the line, it wouldn't be off sides, but it would easily be stolen because the other team would know exactly to whom the puck was being passed.


Also, when Dwayne flips the puck up ice from center ice, the puck drops not far in front of the goaltender and Banks knocks it in. Clearly, Banks is there before the puck resulting in an offsides. You also notice he is knocked down before reaching the puck. Um, penalty?


The tying goal. I was a goalie. You can not change equipment in a 30 second timeout. You can only have two active goalies during a game. Goalies can not play the puck past center ice. Don't get me started.


Doubtful a rag tag team that barely won the state peewee championships (which is insane also) would all make team USA. Of course they added a kid who couldn't stop and a figure skater.


Watch Mendoza on his break away. He's left handed then right handed then left handed


Wayne Gretzky supporting the USA instead of Canada lol


"Wayne Gretzky supporting the USA instead of Canada lol"

I'm Canadian so I like this idea lol. I wonder how true that it though. However, he did play for Canada internationally and was also the director of the team at the Olympics. Plus, he does live in the US now but apparently he comes back to Canada a lot, especially because he has business interests here.

Anyway, I've heard that the film didn't make Canada the bad team (which would have made a lot of sense) because they didn't want to alienate the Canadian audience (which was probably quite large for a Hollywood movie) but they have one of their national heroes supporting the American team. That seems like it would bother Canadian fans more.
